Poking sticks at the monkeys…

In comments on this post from “Chris”

“To bad that’s not an ar10”


I sent him an e-mail

Monday, February 14, 2011 12:57 PM

From: Curtis Lowe curtislowe459@yahoo.com

To: Chris adfh@aim.com

Re: AR-10

You said: "To bad that’s not an ar10"

Too (notice how I spelled that with two Os?) bad you cannot spell correctly.

And too bad assholes like you cannot read a blog post and take it in the light-hearted context it was meant to convey without trying to show your intellectual superiority  to everyone on the internet.

And finally, too bad you are WRONG.  You might want to look again at the magazine (hint: it is bigger than a standard .223 magazine) on that rifle.

Poof – begone dumbass troll.

Oh, and the ability to grasp the concepts of capitalization and punctuation are just a couple of the things that separate us from monkeys…


One Response to “Poking sticks at the monkeys…”

  1. Joe Says:

    And now he can’t just hide behind a wall either.

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