August 2010 e-Postal Match!

Sorry I am a couple of days late with Mr. Completely’s August e-Postal Match. Travels and Travails and all that.

For those of you that have shot them before, you know that bowling pin matches can be a lot of fun.

In a real bowling pin match, the clock doesn’t stop until you have “cleared” the table – that means you can’t just knock the pins over you have to knock all the pins off of the table.

Since we can’t use a timer and these are only pictures of pins, we will use a different scoring system.

Distance: Handguns – set the targets no closer than 15 feet/5 yards or as close to that as your range allows.  Rifles – no closer than 10 yards.

This target has 15 bowling pins and you are allowed 15 shots (1 shot per pin).

For each shot that hits in the white portion of the pin only, you can consider that pin knocked off the table and worth 5 points.

For each shot that hits a pin but touches anywhere on the black outline, consider that pin NOT knocked off the table and give yourself only 3 points.

A miss is a zero.

Something tells me we will have a lot of .22 LR entries. 🙂

For you rifle and distance shooters, calculate your score by using a multiple of 1 for each increment of 10 yards that you shoot beyond the 10-yard minimum. So, if you are shooting at 30 yards – use a multiple of 3. If you are shooting at 50 yards, use a multiple of 5 and so on.

Here is the target.  You can also download it from  It is target No. 20023 on page 2 of their “Fun” targets

pins 001


As in the past, the classes are:




Handgun Class I: Rim fire with iron sights
Handgun Class II: Rim fire with optics
Handgun Class III: Center fire with iron sights
Handgun Class IV: Center fire with optics
Rifle Class I: Rim fire with iron sights
Rifle Class II: Rim fire with optics
Rifle Class III: Center fire with iron sights
Rifle Class IV: Center fire with optics

E-mail scans of targets (if you can scan) and distances/firearm setups/scores and the name/URL you want them posted under to: Curtislowe459-AT-yahoo-DOT-com no later than Friday, September 3rd.

Don’t forget, every entry you send in gets your name in for the drawing for the $50 gift certificate from Cheaper Than Dirt. The more entries you send in, the better your chances!

Any questions, you can ask in comments or send me an e-mail.

Let’s get it on…


8 Responses to “August 2010 e-Postal Match!”

  1. danno Says:

    What shooting position? I am guessing standing unsupported but I don’t see it specified.

  2. danno Says:

    Hey great!

    Also how are multiple hits on a target scored? Again guessing, only one hit counts since in a real match the pin wouldn’t be left on the table to be hit twice.


  3. Merle Says:


    My usual question; can you shoot more than one gun (as long as it is a different gun) in a class? I have two scoped rimfire pistols, so I’d like to enter them both.

    Thanks for hosting.

    Merle Morrison
    Newport News, VA

  4. curtislowe Says:


    Yes, as many entries with as many guns as you like….

  5. Merle Says:

    OK, thank you. Looks like my hoard of rimfire ammo will be shrinking a bit more!

    Also, I think the iron sight rifle will be more of a challenge than it might appear, even though the targets are close. I expect the big fat bead to cover most of the target & make precise aiming difficult.

  6. August E-Postal Match Results « Curtis Lowe Says:

    […] E-Postal Match Results By curtislowe I left the match open a couple extra days in case we had any stragglers.  Not as many entries this year as in […]

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