Follow up post

Thought I would follow up on the comments to this post.

After correctly guessing that I was in Athens this week, readers and fellow Jarheads Nunya and SteveC both offered to buy me a beer if I started another riot while I was there.

Actually, the parliament building was about 4 blocks from my hotel and there was a protest scheduled by the government unions at 6:00 pm on Wednesday.  Since I was already a few beers into the evening, I strolled down there and crashed the protest march – highly recommended…Although I think they knew I was not a Greek when I shook my fist and tried to imitate the chants…apparently I can’t do Greek very well  ,…

Of course, crashing the protest broke all three of my personal rules – the rules which, if you follow them, will keep you out of trouble 99% of your life:

(1) Don’t go stupid places, (2) Don’t hang out with stupid people, and (3) Don’t so stupid things.

I will proceed to violate all three of these rules again in a couple of weeks when I go to DC to drink copious amounts of beer with Nunya and SteveC…


3 Responses to “Follow up post”

  1. stevec Says:

    Hey, wait a minute…

  2. stevec Says:

    And by the way, looking at the little red flags, did you happen to crash a communist rally?

    • curtislowe Says:

      Yes, believe it or not, we had one of their politicians talk at our conference and he said the commie party represented 7% of their parliament seats. Of course you can never confiscate enough money to satisfy the commies so they protest even liberal government ppolicies…

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