Well, That Settles It!

From One Free Korea:

“The Chosun Sinbo, the mouthpiece of North Korea’s Japanese front organization Chongryon and often for the North Korean regime itself, has announced its preference for Obama over McCain, whom it calls “a variant of Bush” and “nothing better than a scarecrow of neoconservatives,”

So, Obama has Castro, Hamas, Qaddafi, and now Kim Jong Il endorsing him…All he needs now is Osama bin Laden and Iran’s Ahm-A-Dinner-Jacket and he has his lineup of dinner guests for his first official White House dinner.  These are the people he’s going to talk to with “no prior conditions,” remember?

With these fine upstanding world citizens throwing their names and reputations behind him, how could anyone argue for anything other than immediate coronation?  I mean, these guys all have America’s best interests at heart, so what’s good for them is good for us right?   Right?


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